From 5th standard and above, our delivery model emphasizes a lot on Experiential Learning. Instead of the traditional rote-learning methods that only looks at how much a student can memorize, the Tejas Way of learning emphasizes on understanding the concepts and principles by doing. All our classrooms are technology-enabled with multimedia computer facilities – bringing the world to every classroom.
Be it Mathematics, Science or a lesson in Civics, our students and teachers engage in discussion, exchange of ideas and apply the concepts into building projects that will help them learn better. Our teachers use a mix of teaching methods such as – Cooperative Learning, Classroom Discussions and special focus is on self-learning and critical thinking skills of the students. The Tejas way ensures that our students excel in out-of-the box thinking and are not pulled down by criticisms that curb their creative thinking and team work.
Assessments are conducted as a continuous process and we use recent technological developments to constantly engage with parents, thus making this a thriving learning ecosystem.